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A Difficult Announcement

Dear Parents, Members, and Partners,


It is with a very heavy heart that I write to inform you that Elite Coaching Soccer Academy will no longer be offering any services for the foreseeable future. This decision has not been made lightly and I fully appreciate that it may come as a shock to many of you, especially with such short notice.


Over the years, Elite Coaching Soccer Academy has become so much more than just a football programme. It has been a place where children, families, and coaches have come together with a shared passion for the game and personal growth. Together, we’ve built a community that extends far beyond the pitch. We've watched these children not only develop as athletes, but as individuals learning teamwork, dedication, resilience and the value of hard work. For us, it’s never been just about winning matches or developing technical skills; it has always been about helping each child grow in confidence, character and friendships that we hope will last a lifetime.


The memories we’ve created together are ones that I, and all of us at Elite Coaching Soccer Academy, will cherish. From those early morning Saturday training sessions filled with excitement and energy, to seeing the smiles and pride on the faces of our players after a hard-fought match, these moments have meant the world to us. It’s been a privilege to watch your children grow, not just as footballers, but as kind, determined and talented young people, and for that, we will always be deeply thankful.


While this decision has been incredibly difficult, it was ultimately necessary given the current circumstances. We have explored many different ways to continue, but unfortunately, at this time, it’s not possible to sustain the Academy in the way it needs to be. I understand this news may be disappointing, and for that, I offer my heartfelt apologies. Please rest assured that this decision was made with the best interests of everyone in mind, even though it was one of the hardest we’ve ever had to take.


That being said, I am personally still very hopeful that I can continue working with many of you in the future. I, Harry Perkins, would love the opportunity to offer private coaching sessions or to be part of your children’s special occasions, such as birthday parties. Staying connected with this wonderful community means so much to me and I would love to continue supporting the growth of young players in a more personal setting. If this is something you’re interested in, please feel free to get in touch and I’d be happy to explore how we can make it work. Please use my personal mobile number 07515971040.


To all the parents who have trusted us with your children, thank you. Your support, encouragement and involvement in their development has been the backbone of everything we do. To the players, thank you for your dedication, hard work and the joy you’ve brought to every training session and match. And to our partners, sponsors and wider community, we are so grateful for your belief in our vision and for helping us make a positive impact.

Though this is goodbye for now, we hope the lessons, memories and friendships formed through the Academy will continue to thrive. We believe in each and every player’s potential and hope they will keep pursuing their love for football with the same passion, energy and commitment wherever their journey takes them next.


If you have any questions, concerns or would simply like to share your thoughts or memories, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We will do our best to support you through this transition and we truly appreciate your understanding during this difficult time.


Thank you for being a part of the Elite Coaching Soccer Academy family.


We are incredibly proud of what we’ve achieved together and we will carry these memories with us always.

With heartfelt thanks and best wishes,


Harry Perkins

Academy Director

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